Coronavirus: World Incompetence (2)

Created on 2020-03-04 19:01

Published on 2020-03-04 21:46

"How To Deal With Holistic Complexity?"
"Interface Education!"
Coronavirus: World Incompetence (1) 

Dear All,

Medical training in Medical Schools does not enable an understanding of the holistic complexity of medicine and of the patient. Courses are still far too fragmented and disconnected not to mention the chronic lack of good pedagogues.

Shall the scientific community succeed in preventing - and treating - a coronavirus pandemic? Frankly, I doubt it.

Shall the international community be able to adequately deal with Third Millennium interconnected global challenges of any kind? No.

More generally, as I wrote elsewhere, the issues we are faced with today have reached such a level of complexity that experts, academics, politicians, the citizens are getting completely out of their depth. Why? They are confronted with holistic multicultural integrated interdisciplinary challenges something that their education has not prepared them for. The World Incompetence regarding world challenges has its roots in an obsolete, outdated educational system that is still mainstream because of powerful politico-financial vested interests. The existing educational system is not sufficiently powerful to enable us to deal with the complexities of the challenges of an ever changing world. We must turn to the Education of Tomorrow: Interface Education. Please see our brochure:

Interface Education - that forms part of the New Capacity Building Programme - precisely optimises the mindset/state of mind for complex avant-garde holistic multicultural integrated interdisciplinary challenge processing. There are no other alternatives if we wish to save our civilisation. The only institution that provides Interface Education is the IMNRC that is located just outside Brussels. We strongly recommend applying for the Bachelor or Master in Interfaces that are introductions to Interface Education. Registration open.

Should you not wish - or not have the time - to follow either courses, you (or your company or government) can make an appointment (by e-mail only) for consultation at our Interface Diagnostics Cabinet.

Do not hesitate to get back to me if you have any further questions or concerns.

Recommended reading:

What Exactly Is the New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP)?
What does "join" mean? What does "collaboration" mean?

Best regards,

Professor Vivian R. F. Linssen D.I.


Founding Director & CEO

International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Center a.s.b.l./v.z.w.

Principal Coordinator

NewPOL Network

Jesus-Eiklaan 120

BE-3080 Tervuren



Tel/Fax: +3227681730

Twitter: @VivianLinssen

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