The Sustainable Development Goals: Reinventing The Wheel!

Created on 2017-06-04 18:12

Published on 2017-06-04 19:03

Dear All,

The so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are in fact just a more formal sophisticated academic transcription - so sophisticated that they have become unimplementable because nobody except the academic elite seems to understand them - of what has now become the New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) which is the result of thirty years' work.

Anyone is welcome to find inspiration in our work. I am all for the open sharing of data and experiences provided that the benefits (financial or otherwise) are also shared with the colleague(s) from whom the original ideas/solutions originated. This is a question of elementary courtesy and decency. Rarely respected because plagiarism is pandemic.

The Sustainable Development Goals. From Complexity to Simplicity... From Failure to Success...

Quite clearly, there are now two solutions circulating worldwide to improve the citizens’ welfare and create a sustainable planet. Either the [EU Institutions (as structured) + EIT + “UN” SDGs] solution directly inspired from our work without the slightest recognition in complete violation of IPR and quite ineffective, or the original [NCBP] solution increasingly recognised as the only viable alternative that is progressively overtaking the former. 

The very foundations of the "UN" SDGs and the EU SDGs Multi-Stakeholder Platform are unhealthy because stolen; these initiatives have therefore no legitimacy. Consequently, they are not sustainable. 

I would therefore suggest that the international community apply the original blueprint and not the distorted copy which is far too complex and abstract to implement in the first place.

It may be important to remind the Europeans, Belgians, Flemish and Francophones that since I am European, Belgian, half Flemish and half Francophone, the original version of the SDGs that has been plagiarised is in fact European, Belgian, half Flemish and half Francophone...

Best regards,


Professor Vivian R. F. Linssen D.I.


Founding Director & CEO

International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Center a.s.b.l./v.z.w.

Principal Coordinator

NewPOL Network

Jesus-Eiklaan 120

BE-3080 Tervuren



Tel/Fax: +3227681730

Twitter: @VivianLinssen

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