Created on 2020-05-02 20:33
Published on 2020-05-07 15:44
How To Unlock It?
Dear All,
It is becoming increasingly obvious that the whole World System is locked In.
I am not referring to the general confinement, of course.
You are locked in, your neighbourhood is locked in, the locality in which you live/work is locked in, the region you are based in is locked in, your own country's locked in, your continent is locked in, the World is locked in.
Locked in by what? Basically by education. Constitution, law, politics, relationships, religion, ideas, culture, mentalities, rules, knowledge, technology, ...all these require or are the result of formal and informal education
Everything is controlled either openly as in autocracies or slyly as in democracies.
The human being's fate on this planet seems to be determined by the World System's algorithm that "decides"...
We speak of interconnectedness. True every "thing" is interconnected. Yes, YOU are connected to everything. But this interconnectedness is mainly intangible. Yet the intangible determines the tangible... We just haven't been educated to understand our everyday existence this way.
Since we are interconnected, could one of us pull on a "string" that is in turn connected to this global web so that we can directly see how we affect this huge network of interconnected tangible and intangible components? Could one of us make our presence or connection somehow "felt" by ALL the other eight billion minus one human beings on this planet? No.
An essential link is missing. Someone calling for help anywhere in the World, shall she/he be heard by the rest of the world? For the overwhelming majority, the feeling is that of helplessness: "What could I do anyway?" "Who shall listen?" "Who shall listen to me?"
There is this need for a direct link to a world platform, to a highly interactive world infrastructure where you can speak out freely to explain your concerns, your hopes, your interests, your solutions...without the fear of retaliation or of having your original ideas stolen by others.
This is:
The New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP).
The NCBP Group shall represent the NCBP Task Force (after selection). Members are of a different calibre.
The NCBP Page (under construction) shall be for passive observation of developments only.
Best regards,
Professor Vivian R. F. Linssen D.I.
Founding Director & CEO
International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Center a.s.b.l./v.z.w.
Principal Coordinator
NewPOL Network
Jesus-Eiklaan 120
BE-3080 Tervuren
Tel/Fax: +3227681730
Twitter: @VivianLinssen
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