Network-Pro 1


The Physics and Mathematics of the Life Sciences in the Universe

Implicate and explicate order - Holomovement - Group Theory - Fractals - Structure and Symmetry/Asymmetry - Supersymmetry - Automorphism - Pattern Without Frontiers - Multiverses? - Computer Simulations - Artificial Intelligence - Thermodynamics - Dissipative Structures - Non-local theory - Quantum Chaos - Complex Systems - Networks - Splitting reality, Superposition and Decoherence - From Elementary Particle Physics to the New Cosmos - Stardust - Bose-Einstein Condensates - The Quantum Hall Effect - Can the Mind make Sense of the Cosmos? - Is there an Objective Consciousness? - Mind, Matter and Space-Time - What is Information? - Interfaces - Counter-intuition and the plasticity of the Mind - Visiting the Past - New Foundations of Physics only Out of Nothing - The Universe Within and Without -  Hyperspace - What is Energy? - Nuclear Equation of State - Cellular Equation of State - Organic Equation of State - "Universal Equation of State?" - The Great Puzzle - The Missing Link - Life in the Universe - SETI - …


Network Programme 1 shall be regularly updated