Other Places


Baden-Württemberg EU Representation in Brussels

Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union - Invitation: "Meteorological, hydrological and geological disasters – impact on society" - Brussels, 26th March 2007. [Read more...]
Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union - Invitation: "Energy Efficiency", Brussels, 28th February 2007. [Read more...]
Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union - Invitation: "Climate Protection by Solar Energy" - 19.00 - 21.00hrs, Brussels, 7nth February 2007. [Read more...]
Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union - "Optics/Photonics 2007 and the Future" - Brussels, 11nth January 2007. [Read more...]
Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union - "The State in the Third Dimension: Aerospace Engineering in Baden-Württemberg" - Brussels, 4th December 2006. [Read more...] 

Bibliothèque Solvay

How To Unleash Private Sector R&D Funding?

Debate on 04 October (17h30) at the Bibliothèque Solvay (Brussels, Belgium) next to the European Parliament.

Organised by Friends of Europe (http://www.friendsofeurope.org) and the Swiss Mission to the EU.


· Achilleas Mitsos, Director General for Research, European Commission

· Pan Miloslav Ransdorf MEP, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament

· Jane Royston, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), and President of CreateSwitzerland

NewPOL Results of Meeting. The NewPOL Principal Coordinator addressed the EU/Chinese Interface issue. There was a brief private conversation with Professor Achilleas Mitsos after the debate. The NewPOL Network seems to be succeeding a major breakthrough: a private report has been sent to the NewPOL Network National Coordinators and other Members of NewPOL.

British School of Brussels (Tervuren)

Invitation to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in Tervuren (Belgium) at the British School of Brussels - Conference and debate with the European Commission's Representative to Belgium - Two important themes: 1) The atmospheric and sound pollution over and around Brussels due to airplane traffic & 2) The democratic regression of the linguistic minorities and community issues. The NewPOL Network proposes two project resolutions. Tervuren, 2 May 2007. [Read more...]

Association of Lawyers Xirius - Website: http://www.xirius.be

Mission: "Integrating the notion of Society Well-Being and Quality of Life in the Belgian jurisprudence". [Read more...]

Centre Culturel Laïc Juif 

Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif - Invitation - Lecture: "EUROPE. UNE PASSION GENOCIDAIRE - Essai d’histoire culturelle." Conférence de l'historien Georges BENSOUSSAN à l’occasion de la sortie de son dernier ouvrage paru aux Éditions Mille et une nuits (Fayard). Si l’histoire de la Shoah est sans précédent, elle n’est pas sans racines. La mise en lumière des origines culturelles et politiques de la destruction des Juifs d’Europe ancre cette tragédie dans une histoire dont nous sommes les héritiers. [Report coming soon...]

Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif - Invitation - Lecture by journalist Ben-Dror YEMINI: "Le conflit du Proche-Orient et la presse" - Brussels, 15nth February 2007. [Read more...]

Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif - Invitation - Lecture by former Israeli Ambassador Elie Barnavi: "Les Religions Meurtrières" - Brussels, 8th February 2007. [Read more...]

Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif - Invitation - Lecture Theme: "'Ni pute, ni soumise'. Comment une femme africaine de culture musulmane peut-elle s’épanouir dans ses racines tout en s’ouvrant à la modernité et au métissage? - Brussels, 26th January 2007. [Read more...]

Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif - Lecture: "Israël et le monde musulman: quand la raison l'emportera" by Avi Primor, former Ambassador of Israel in Brussels and Bonn - Brussels, 12th December 2006. [Read more...]

Fair Trade Center

Sustainable Trade and Innovation Center (STIC) - Invitation from EPE (European Partners for the Environment) - Brussels, 30th March 2007. [Read more...]

Jacques Delors Building

European Movement International (EMI) - Invitation - Lecture theme & Workshop: "Gender Equality in Europe" - European Economic and Social Committee (Jacques Delors building) - 09.00-17.30hrs, Brussels, 25th January 2007. [Read more...]

Palace Theatre

European Movement - Debate: ‘EU Trade on Trial’ and Public Launch of "Speak Up Europe" Campaign - Brussels, 23rd November 2006. [Read more...]

Parliament French Community of Belgium

"L'enseignement des langues en Communauté Française: pour un vrai projet pédagogique." Brussels, 22 May 2006. [Read more...]. 

N.B. If you are interested in learning more about the linguistic problems in Belgium (that sometimes do lead to serious consequences), you might like to download a letter that was sent by the Principal Coordinator of the NewPOL Network to the "Bourgmestre" (Mayor, or Maire if you prefer) of Tervuren, the town where the IMNRC is based. [Read more...]

Schaerbeek (Brussels)

Town Hall

L’Institut d’Humanisme musulman, les Amis de la Morale laïque de Schaerbeek, la Pensée et les Hommes, le Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif et le comité belge de Ni Putes Ni Soumises - Invitation à la Conférence "La laïcité au regard du Coran" - Brussels, 19nth April 2007. [Read more...]

Police Headquarters

Meeting with Officier de Proximité (Belgian Police Officer): "How the NewPOL Network could facilitate inter-ethnic interactivity and integration through NC Teams" - Brussels, 20th February 2007. [Read more...]

The European Council

The European Council was going to decide over the allocations of the EU funds in favour of scientific research, including the embryonic stem cells research. The NewPOL Network was invited by the Luca Coscioni Association and the Italian Radical (= Root...!) Transnational Parti to take part in a sit-in they have organised in front of the European Council in Brussels, on Monday 24 july 2006. Even though all the participants in the Brussels Stem Cell Conference were informed of this event, not one responded or even acknowledged the invitation except the NewPOL Network Principal Coordinator. Total number of participants: about six. [Read more...]

University of Brussels

"Environment: Increased Atmospheric pollution and noise in and around Brussels through airplane traffic. Belgian State condemned by State Council yet refuses to comply to Belgian Law" - Debate - Brussels 8 March 2007. [Read more...]

University of Louvain

Protection of the Minorities and the Federal State - Conference/Debate - Brussels, 3rd March 2007. [Read more...]

Yantra Dance Academy

Social. NewPOL Network participation - guess who... - at the Yantra Dance Academy Show, Centre Culturel de Woluwé St Pierre, Brussels. Irst & 2nd April 2006. [Irst April fully booked & 85% seat occupation on 2nd April!]. DVD available: +32 2 646 25 64.