The IMNRC-NewPOL Network Perspective Meetings are International conferences, workshops, high level roundtables, symposiums and colloquiums to which the IMNRC-NewPOL Network has been invited. These cover a very wide area of subjects: arts, science, (bio)technology, environment, medicine, politics, religion, ...in fact all the thematics that are included in the international research programs. The role of the IMNRC-NewPOL Network is to invite cross-thinking between different thematics and to illustrate the fundamental interconnectedness of data. Meetings can also be Social - open discussions between people: real people meeting real people... or Artistic Activities: concerts, theatre, dancing, opera, musical shows, expositions, painting, sculpture, ... *** We consider the World as an undivided whole. However, for ease of navigation purposes and understanding, we have artificially separated this World into EU and Non-EU. We are after all based in Europe (EU). It is important to remember that labels like Europe (Africa, France, ...) are static concepts for ever changing dynamic realities. With the inevitable migration and multicultural diversity, frontiers shall have to be adapted and no territory shall ever remain "purely" national. This shall be impossible. Once Humanity has reached this level of Intelligence, geopolitics shall acquire a different meaning.