In Memoriam Former Team Leader: Gagik Ohanian (1947 - 2008.12.5.)
Armenian Technological Academy 8, 2 lane, Bagratunyats Avenue Yerevan
e-mail: ohanyang@yahoo.com Short Biography Gagik Ohanian was born on 30th December, 1947 in Yerevan, Armenia. Till 1917, Hakob Ohanian, his grandfather, supervised the production of dried fruits, medicinal herbs and spices from Ordubad, which was a family tradition. At the same time, he gathered recipes of folk medicine and diet products from the inhabitants of Caucasus. This family tradition came to somehow find reflection in scientific works of his grandson later on. Zaven Ohanian, G. Ohanian's father, chaired the Department of radio announcers of the country's Radio Committee for many years, and thereafter the theatres of towns of Gavar and Kapan. He was an Honoured Artist of Armenia and is the author of a number of dramatic works. G. Ohanian took a great interest in psychology from childhood. As higher education for this specialty was not at that time available in Armenia, he graduated from Yerevan Teachers' Training University after Kh. Abovyan in 1972 and launched his scientific work there. In 1978, he organized the Laboratory for Psycho-diagnosis at the Scientific and Research Institute of Pedagogy. In order to carry on the research, he joined the Department of Armenian Energy System in 1984, where he dealt with the issues of organizing psychological services at manufacturing enterprises. In 1989-1993 he served as the Chairman of "Earth and Seat", an association dealing with ecological issues and the study of medical herbs of Caucasus. Since 1993, he has been elected a President of the Armenian Technological Academy and in 2004 he became the President of Armenian Nutrition Society. Principal directions of scientific works: 1) Developing a psychophysiological model of activities and its application in resolution of problems in computer science, medicine and education. [Read more]; 2) Modelling allergy and studying natural immunostimulators. [Read more]; 3) Role of psychological knowledge in the development of an individual. [Read more]; 4) Global and regional technological prognoses. [Read more]. He is the author of 90 scientific works, including 3 monographs dedicated to the aforesaid problems, and 50 technologies for diet products to maintain the immune system.