Progress Report 5 March 2013 (Editing...) Progress Report 4 June/July 2011 1. http://armstat.am/en/?nid=82&id=1202 2. Armenia
MDGs indicators table - http://armstat.info/file/doc/99462398.pdf 3.
MDGs indicators
for Armenia in DevInfo format - www.armdevinfo.am
4. MDGs indicators for many country in DevInfo format - www.devinfo.info
Progress Report 3 12 August 2010 Аrmenian Technological Academy (AТА) Progress Report 3 is available here. *** Progress Report 1 Irst July 2005 [Comments of Principal Coordinator in blue] Newly created Armenian NewPOL Team foresees the following measures:
*** Progress Report 2 16nth August 2005 [Comments of Principal Coordinator in blue] From June 2005 once a month we organize seminars devoted to Non-drug treatment and longevity. The last one took place on the 7th of August. Each time from 20 to 25 participants take part in them (doctors, engineers, physics, journalists, etc.).During these meetings questions about Spiritual Healing, Society’s Well-being and Life’s Quality in Caucasus are discussed. Unfortunately Caucasus has not found its place in the world yet. Taking into account NewPOL Network Paradigm’s philosophy we suggest a project called “Caucasian longevity”. As the Caucasians are senior citizens and because Caucasus has a very beautiful nature and resorts as well as a lot of historical monuments we offer European elder people to spend several months a year here. It will solve lots of economic and political matters as well. The region’s well being will be risen and stable development will be provided due to it. Now we want to find supporters of this project in Europe, Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. It will show that our paradigm is a brilliant tool for multi-disciplinary and transnational problems. [Pending...]