National Coordinators Team Leader:
Cosme Lucien ZOUNON
Agricultural economist and extension engineer
e-mail: zoucl@hotmail.com Biography
Lucien Zounon worked particularly in : the sector of economic development
through technical advisory services in Oil Seeds sector (SNV-Benin, 2008) ;
capacities strengthening of the microfinance institutions for delivery
microfinance products adapted better to the poor communities (PNDCC, 2005-
AGeFIB, 1999 PGRN/GTZ, 1994); feasibility studies for investment project and
target groups’ promotion in rural land development (PGRN/GTZ, 1994;
PAME/GRAAMR, 1998; PFS/AGeFIB, 1999; PNDCC/PMF, 2005) and Strategic Business
Plans of micro rural enterprises (PAME/GRAAMR, 1998; PNDCC, 2005) and the Basic
Services in Renewable Energy services (SNV-Benin, 2009 ; PNDCC, 2005; AGeFIB,
1999). Achievements:
several technical missions to support grassroots communities within the
framework of projects and development programs, in particular: in
‘’Renewable Energy/biogas’’ and ‘’Income-Employment-Production’’
sector in SNV-Benin (Netherlands International Development Organisation) as
Technical Advisor to support agricultural professional organizations in Oil
Seeds sector and in the development and promoting of renewable energy/biogas as
innovative sector. In the land access
project (PFR) of the Millennium Challenge Account Programme (MCA/USA) I worked
particularly as Agricultural economist and land specialist in LID-Management
Office. In the Project as the Agricultural economist for the Management of
Natural Resources Project (PGRN) financed by World Bank (IDA), GTZ (Ditch’s
Development Agency), AFD (French’s Development Agency) and the UNDP (United
Nations Development Programme). He
has participated in various studies for example: Evaluation of the effects of
the Social Funds Project (PFS/IDA) on the grassroots communities in particular,
the target groups and rural micro enterprises. Selection and technical analysis
of projects submitted to World Bank (Benin World Bank Office) for the
Development Regional Fair (FRD), edition 2006. Collection and analysis of the
information on socio-economic, cultural and environmental dynamics and
socio-layers of the grassroots institutions to identify the potentiality and
constraints to the development in order to work out with multi actors strategies
Lucien Zounon is also, the winner of technical merit of the Benin’ Government
and technical recognition of World Bank (Benin’s Office) and of its partners
in particular Marketplace for better contribution to Development Regional Fair
(FRD, edition 2006). Education • 1990 - 1992: Faculty of Agricultural Science (FSA) /
National University of Benin republic (UNB),
Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques / Université Nationale du Bénin. Agricultural
Economist and Extension Engineer (Diploma) / after General Agricultural Sciences
Studies (Diploma) • 1985 - 1990: Faculty of Agricultural Science (FSA) /
National University of Benin republic (UNB), Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques
/ Université Nationale du Bénin. Diploma
of General Agriculture Sciences (DAG), 4 years studies after the end of
Secondary School Study •
1979 - 1982: College ‘’Bêhanzin’’ of Porto-Novo (Benin) / ‘’Lycée
Bêhanzin’’ de Porto-Novo, Baccalaureate Diploma of Biology and Earth
Sciences Studies (BAC D), seven (7) years studies after O level degree of
secondary educational study Professional
Experience •
November 2010 – actually : Adivisor/local capacity builder (LCB) in SNV-Benin
in renewal energy sector and member of ‘’working group ZDES Bureau’’
(office of consultancy) in Benin republic. •
November 2008 – October 2010: (24 months) Technical Advisor in Oil seeds and
renewable energy sectors (under contract) with SNV-Benin, in the operational
portofolio of Cotonou (Benin republic). The
charges of the works are to carry out a routine analysis to support the sector
development. To take an active part in the meetings of strategic positioning as
a member and to contribute to the strategic proposals. To identify
opportunities/threats of advisory practices and to ensure the suitable transfer
of information. To coordinate the advisory services in a team of
clients/activities. To organize and direct the meetings of clients within the
framework of activities plans definite. To ensure and control the progression
and quality and to undertake the actions/offer suitable supports. To take care
of clients satisfaction during the activities. To analyze and understand the
playing field, organizational environment. To contribute to the process of
networking. To maintain the operational contacts with clients within the
framework of its activities. To identify appropriate mobilization resources and
ensures the transfer information with the coordinators of portfolio. To
establish a diagnosis on the level of the problem and the clients. To prepare
proposals/strategies. Contribute of the formulation of National Biogas
Programme. •
August 2007 - November 2008 (13 months): Land specialist in LID Management
Bureau, Consultant for GiZ millennium challenge account (MCA-Benin) for
mamagement project of the land access (to socio-economic studies and
establishment the rural land plans). The
charges of this work are: to coordinate, capitalize, document and make available
the awaited results of contractual engagements with Coordination Rural Land Plan
(CO-PFR/GTZ). To organize and carry out the regional and micro land diagnosis in
Benin Plateau department and his villages retained during the selection process
of the eligible villages to the operations of the rural land plans. To organize
the investigations of topographic-layers for the establishment of the rural land
plans. To support the village and communal sections of land management in the
formalization of the land rights of having the rights and land actors. •
May 2005 - May 2007 (24 months): Program Expert, in National Community-Driven
Development Project/PNDDC (Cotonou- Benin) The
charges of the works `'Strengthening capacity of the micro finance institutions
(MFI) to supply microfinance products and services that better match the needs
of targeted communities with special attention to financing economic generating
activities (of the National Community-Driven Development Project/PNDDC). My
responsibility is to plan, organize and coordinate the implementation of the
financed activities and technical advisory services for the development and
management. •
July 2003 - April 2005 (21 months): Responsible
in charge of the Department of Studies and Training in the Associated Consulting
Engineers Bureau (ACE). The summary of the principal tasks and responsibilities are : (i) - To ensure the coordination of the studies, the formulation and the assembly of the files of training, (ii) - To organize the consultation of the authorities of work for the identification of the requirements of strengthening and the definition of the requirements of training, (iii) - To analyze the characteristics of the target public, (iv) - To formulate the objectives of the training program, (vi) - To select the contents and the structure of the training program and to define the approaches and the structure of a training program, (vii) - To ensure the planning of the requirements of training and modules. To take part in the development of the modules of training. To select the methods of lesson and training best adapted to the pubic. To conceive the strategies and the instruments of evaluation of teaching/training. To ensure the follow-up and evaluations of the indicators of performance of the training. To represent the Office near the partners and development institutions. •
August 1999 - June 2003 (46 months): Program Expert in Grassroots Development
Agency (AGeFIB) Cotonou-Benin with regional supervision operations of
`'Generating incomes economics activities and microfinance'' in Zou Department
in Benin. The
summary of the principal tasks and responsibilities for this position is `'to
make available the services of the microfinance institutions to the poor people
and disadvantaged groups for the development of their economic activities and to
formulate sub projects for the grassroots communities. •
July 1998 - August 1999 (13 months): Responsible in charge of Sector of Micro
enterprise in rural areas, in ‘’Working Group of Rural Self-Promoting
Development Organisation’’ (GRAAMR-ONG) in Kpomassè and Ouidah
municipalities. The
summary tasks are: To conceive and work out the sector program projects of the
institution. To support the formulation of communities projects. To examine and
analyze the actions of various projects of the institution, financed by the
partners. To analyze the various projects under constraints to make sure of
their profitability. To coordinate the various programs of the institution. To
take part in meetings of collaborations and dialogue with the structures
partners. To follow and evaluate the activities registered in the plan of
operations. To conceive, carry out and follow the operations of support to the
micro finance and the micro enterprise (Income-generating activities and
Activities of saving and credit). To work out and compile the reports
managements quarterly, mid year and annual of the institution •
August 1994 - June 1998 (46 months): Agric economist of the National Project of
the Management of Natural Resources (PGRN) – National Directorate of Natural
Resources and Forest (DFRN), Cotonou, Benin. Responsibility
of this task is : (i)- Management of Project cycle, analysis of the needs and
the durable existence means of the grassroots communities, (ii)- Basic studies
and micro realization support to the management of ‘’gestion terroirs’’
and the natural resources with special attention for the income-generating
activities. Summarizes tasks are: to ensure the coordination of the studies
(participative diagnosis, social and economic surveys) and of the specific
trainings topics with the other specialists in the Project. To take part in the
animation of the activities of information education communication. To take part
in the development and the joint evaluation of under projects and to secure
their qualities (on the technical plan, financier, viability and adaptability,
etc). To take part in the joint development research program. To ensure the
implementation of the plan of follow-up evaluation of the activities. To take
part in the development rural land Plan in the villages of the project. To
promote and coordinate the strategies and initiatives aiming of the rural
economy development and of the income-generating activities.
Publications •
‘’Farming system and management of natural resources : case study of two
villages of District of Materi (Department of Atacora /Benin republic)’’ ;
Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques / Université Nationale du Bénin (Thesis of
agricultural economist and rural sociology, pp.xxxx , 1992) • Réalisation d’une étude diagnostique micro régionale
du Département du Plateau pour le compte de la Coordination Opérationnelle
Plan Foncier Rural de la GTZ répondant du Millennium Challenge Account (MCA),
pp. xxx , April 2008. • Réalisation et coordination de huit (8) études de
diagnostics fonciers ruraux dans la Commune d’Adja-Ouèrè dans le Département
du Plateau pour le compte de la Coordination Opérationnelle Plan Foncier Rural
de la GTZ contractant avec le Millénium Challenge Accourt (MCA), pp.xxx, August
2008. • Méthodologie d’évaluation des plans d’affaires
des institutions de micro finance (IMF) dans la perspective de développement
institutionnel de capacités, pp. xxx, December 2006
(version non publiée) • Méthodologie d’analyse des institutions de
micro-finance (IMF) dans la perspective de renforcement des capacités
institutionnelles, pp. xxxx, July 2006 (version
non publiée) • Etude diagnostique de l’économie locale et développement rural dans la commune d’Athiémé (Benin) dans le cadre de l’élaboration du Plan de Développement Communal (PDC), pp. xxxx, December 2006. *** Team Members:
A. Selected
B. Preselection
C. Pending Applications: 1) Luc Olatundé CAMPOS. Directeur associé chez Acacia Conseils 2) Vacancy 3) Vacancy 4) ... ***
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