Progress Report 1
[Comments of Principal Coordinator in blue]
I. Actual Standings of the Hungarian NC Team András László has had a few phone conversations with
András Vág, and they agreed to have a indepth meeting and exchange of ideas as
to Focus/Scope and Structure of the Hungarian NC Team of the NewPOL Network.
This meeting will take place in Budapest during my next stay (Oct 16- Oct
30, 2004); First of all, I see my functioning in the NewPOL
Network as an Interface between the various spheres of Hungarian society:
academic, commercial, media/press, art, political, public? NGO’s, the business
community…on the one hand and the liaison with the global players on the
other. My own organization EuroVisioning.org
will function as the overall interface platform. The first actions of the Hungarian NC Team of the
NewPOL Network are fourfold: 1) upgrade the Hungarian web site according to its
own ideosyncracies and Unique Selling Proposition –USP; 2) design a leaflet in
Hungarian/English outlining the Network Project and its Hungarian concrete
implementation; 3) attract investors; and 4) position the Hungarian NC Team as a
bridge-building platform in Central and Eastern Europe. During our first working session The Hungarian NC Team
will focus on its first priorities: 1) convening a small and effective Hungarian
NC Team of 10-15 people; 2) designing a distribution of workload – who does
what –; 3) set up a huge Hungarian Network by introducing the Network Project;
4) set up an agenda and a short-term action plan of the Hungarian NC Team; 4)
design a press release leaflet. Once the Hungarian Project is identified and outlined,
the Hungarian NC Team will designate a Project Manager and an assistant By the end of the year 2004, the organizational, structural and logistical part of the Hungarian NC Team should be completed. Through the contacts/networking of EuroVisioning.org
the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project will we disseminated on a global scale.
Large-scale visibility and brand positioning is the primary focus. II. Actual Standings of the Funding of the The Hungarian NewPOL Network Project In Progress Report 2, the Hungarian NC Team will provide The Network with a full update as to the funding, the commercial partners and sponsors of the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project. III. The Hungarian NewPOL Network Project In Progress Report 2, the Hungarian NC Team will provide The Network with a complete outline of the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project and its short-term action plan. [Many good ideas. We must however accelerate the whole process. We'll discuss all this on Monday, 11 October 2004 in Brussels] *** Progress Report 2 [Comments of Principal Coordinator in blue] I. Actual Standings of the Hungarian NC Team 1. During his stay in Budapest (Oct 16 – Oct 30, 2004), András László has had many, many successful and useful meetings with Team Members of the to be established Hungarian NC Team. The aim has been to have an indepth exchange of ideas as to Focus/Scope and Structure of the Hungarian NC Team of the NewPOL Network (please find under II of this Progress Report 2 all the names, addresses, web sites…of the Hungarian NC Team Members). 2. First of all, the Members agreed that András László would serve as the Coordinator of the Hungarian NC Team. As Hungarian Coordinator, he will be functioning within the NewPOL Network as an Interface between the various spheres of Hungarian society: academic, commercial, media/press, art, political, public, NGO’s, the business community…on the one hand and the liaison with the global players on the other. His own organization EuroVisioning.org (www.eurovisioning.org) will function as the overall interface platform. 3. The first actions of the Hungarian NC Team of the NewPOL Network remain fourfold: 1) upgrade the Hungarian web site according to its own ideosyncracies and Unique Selling Proposition –USP; 2) design a leaflet in Hungarian/English outlining the Network Project and its Hungarian concrete implementation; 3) attract investors; and 4) position the Hungarian NC Team as a bridge-building platform in Central and Eastern Europe. 4. We, further, agreed that the renowned Hungarian Institute for Strategic Research will function as the Coordinating Team in Hungary. Dr. Csaba Varga is the head of a Team of appr. 20 people ( www.strategiakutato.hu; www.emo.hu; www.vargacsaba.hu; www.inco.hu). 5. Since the Institute for Strategic Research is upgrading its website anyway, they offered to establish a link to the Hungarian NC of the NewPol Network within a couple of weeks. They will meet with András Vág (www.worldinfigures.org), with whom I had a good meeting at his home, to make the necessary arrangements of the web site transfer. As you may know, András was the one who started the Hungarian NC in Hungary. The Hungarian Team is very grateful for his efforts and drive. Due to his workload, András has no problem to share his knowledge and experiences with the whole Team. He also promised to continue to play a proactive role within the Team as of January 2005. 6. So, The Hungarian NC Team has been established. Its first priorities: 1) upgrading and establishing its own website on www.strategiakutato.hu; 2) designing a distribution of workload – who does what –; 3) set up a huge Hungarian Network by introducing the Network Project; 4) set up an agenda and a short-term action plan of the Hungarian NC Team; 4) design a press release leaflet. 7. Once the Hungarian Project is identified and outlined, the Hungarian NC Team will designate a Project Manager and an assistant. 8. By the end of the year 2004, the organizational, structural and logistical part of the Hungarian NC Team should be completed. 9. Through the international/national contacts/networking of EuroVisioning.org as well as the national networking of the Coordinating Institute for Strategic Research the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project will we disseminated on a global scale. Large-scale visibility and brand positioning is the primary focus. II. Actual Standings of the Funding of the The Hungarian NewPOL Network Project The Hungarian NewPOL Network Coordinating Team In Progress Report 3, The Hungarian NC Team will provide The Network with a full update as to the funding, the commercial partners and sponsors of the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project III. The Hungarian NewPOL Network Project In Progress Report 3, the Hungarian NC Team will provide The Network with a complete outline of the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project and its short-term action plan. [Very good work. The main task for each NewPOL National Coordinator is to make the Network more articulate. This is exactly what you are doing. Well done!] *** Progress Report 3 5 February, 2005 [Comments of Principal Coordinator in blue] I. The Hungarian NC Team 1. The Members of the Hungarian NC Team agreed that András László would serve as the Overall Coordinator of the Hungarian NC Team. The Executive Coordination of the NC Team within Hungary is headed by The Hungarian Institute for Strategic Research Team (Dr. Csaba Varga, President and Mr Huba Kiss). As Overall Hungarian Coordinator, András László will be functioning within the NewPOL Network as an Interface between the various spheres of Hungarian society: academic, commercial, media/press, art, political, public, NGO’s, the business community…on the one hand and the liaison with the global players on the other. His own organization EuroVisioning.org (www.eurovisioning.org) will function as the overall interface platform. 2. During his next stay in Budapest (March 15 – March 25, 2005), András László will establish with the Team Members of the Hungarian NC Team – in line with the Overall Mission and Objectives of the NewPOL Network as well as the in unison with the other NC Teams of the Network – the Focus/Scope and Structure of the Hungarian NC Team of the NewPOL Network and draft the Action Plan 2005 of the Hungarian NC Team. 3. The first concrete actions of the Hungarian NC Team of the NewPOL Network remain fivefold: 1) Design the One Page Satellite website describing briefly the NewPOL Network in Hungarian and make it available online on the meanwhile upgraded website of The Hungarian Institute for Strategic Research (www.strategiakutato.hu); 2) Identify the ideosyncracies and Unique Selling Proposition –USP of the Hungarian NC Team; 3) Design a leaflet in Hungarian/English outlining the Network Project and its Hungarian concrete implementation; 4) attract investors; and 5) position the Hungarian NC Team as a bridge-building platform in Central and Eastern Europe. 4. As already stated in 1. the renowned Hungarian Institute for Strategic Research will function as the Executive Coordinating Team in Hungary. Dr. Csaba Varga is the head of a Team of appr. 20 people ( www.strategiakutato.hu; www.emo.hu; www.vargacsaba.hu; www.inco.hu). See also the attached outline of the Hungarian Institute for Strategic Research. 5. Since the Institute for Strategic Research has nearly finished upgrading its own website, a link to the Hungarian NC of the NewPol Network will be online shortly. 6. The Hungarian NC Team’s first priorities are: 1) establishing its own url link on www.strategiakutato.hu; 2) designing a distribution of workload: who does what; 3) setting up a transdisciplinary Hungarian/Central-European Network by introducing the Network Project; 4) set up an agenda and a short-term action plan of the Hungarian NC Team; 4) design a press release leaflet 7. Once the Hungarian Project is identified and outlined, the Hungarian NC Team will designate a Project Manager and an assistant 8. By April 2005, the organizational, structural and logistical part of the Hungarian NC Team should be completed 9. Through the international/national contacts/networking of EuroVisioning.org as well as the national networking of the Executive Coordinating Institute for Strategic Research the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project will we disseminated on a global scale. Large-scale visibility and brand positioning is the primary focus. II. Actual Standings of the Funding of the The Hungarian NewPOL Network Project The Hungarian NewPOL Network Coordinating Team In Progress Report 4, The Hungarian NC Team will provide The Network with a full update as to the funding, the commercial partners and sponsors of the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project. III. The Hungarian NewPOL Network Project In Progress Report 4, the Hungarian NC Team will provide The Network with a complete outline of the Hungarian NewPOL Network Project and its short-term Action Plan. [Excellent work. I have put two links to the outline of the Hungarian Institute for Strategic Research.] *** Progress Report 4 & Team Budget
March, 2005 I.
INTRODUCTION The aim of the Hungarian NewPOL Team is to envision and implement within the framework of The NewPOL Consortium Network a Central and Eastern European cross-cutting highly interactive and articulate Multidisciplinary Platform, which serves as a catalyst and a bridge-builder in the New Enlarged Europe. The Hungarian NewPOL Team is coordinated by András László, President & CEO of EuroVisioning.org (www.eurovisioning.org). The leading executive Hungarian Partner of the NewPol Network is the Institute for Strategic Research headed by its Founder and Executive Director Dr. Csaba Varga (www.strategiakutato.hu). The Institute will establish a widespread, knowledge-based webstructure to provide wide-ranging information to National and Central and Eastern European researchers and citizens interested and involved in the NewPOL Research. II. SCOPE
OF ACTION The Hungarian NewPOL Team Scope of Action includes the following:
III. WEBPORTAL In order to implement its Action
Plan the Hungarian NewPOL Team first priority is to design and launch its own Hungarian
NewPOL Webportal. The Hungarian NewPOL Team will be conducting research into the following scientific research areas: - New science; - Science and Religion; - Metatheory; - Metaphilosophy; - ... These are the main topics of the Hungarian NewPOL Webportal. The Hungarian NewPOL Team will progressively broaden its Scientific Research Scope. The
services of the Webportal include: - Availability of new scientific materials in Hungarian/English language - Launch of Scientific Forum for researchers and for the population - Widespread Presentation of the NewPOL Network Partners - Real-time Consulting/Coaching with researchers/scholars (chatrooms) IV.
INITIAL BUDGET The Hungarian NewPOL Team initial
budget features the following items: Programming, webdesigning, PHP database construction 4.500.000 HUF Copyright fees, near translation fees (1000 pages/year) 10.000.000 HUF Mediacampaigns, press releases, other events............ 10.000.000 HUF Project designs................................................ 20.000.000 HUF Total:........................................................... 45.000.000 HUF Total in EURO – rounded up (Euro central rate, 2005-03-21): 182.800 EUR (These are estimated values)