Workshop Coordinators


The Workshop Theme Proposer shall generally also be the Workshop Coordinator (WSC). So, there are in fact many types of Workshop Coordinators (WSCs):

Project Coordinators (EU, other...) who already have their own project (and consortium) ready for submission to the Commission. This category is coming over to exchange ideas, find funds (perhaps through SMEs/Industries). Finding more academic partners is not their priority.

Project Coordinators (EU, other...) who already have their own project and consortium ready but are having a tough time wrestling around with the EU 6FP administration.

Project Coordinators (EU, other...) who already have their own project and consortium ready but who are not really interested in submitting anything to the Commission. They are just coming over for the Congress (Parts I, II and III), period.

Potential Project Coordinators (not necessarily for the EU) who have a project ready but who are looking for partners. These partners may be found either outside, or within the Consortium NewPOL. Or both. This category may - or may not - be interested in the EU 6FP.


There are of course multiple combinations, but I guess you are getting the idea.

At the present time, the number of colleagues/Project Coordinator ranges from about ten to nearly 600. Workshops are for 10-30 people maximum. So if a Project Coordinator has a consortium of, say, 90 researchers she/he must "select" the 10-30 colleagues who are the most representative of his/her group or create more than one workshop.

Workshop Themes may be:

a keyword/keyphrase (cf. The 10 Programmes): these serve as catalysers for your own inspiration. Just how you deal with a given Workshop Theme is completely open.

links between these keywords/keyphrases. Again, the field is left open.

a focussed, conventional or more experimental project (NoE / IP / STREP / Other / Non-EU...)

a former (adapted) or new lecture/poster title. [There won't be any lectures of course].

All the Themes shall be dissected - with innovative and personal contributions - by everyone in the group participating in the Workshop.

Only Workshop Coordinators shall be mentioned on the corresponding Workshop Web Page under a given Programme to begin with. 

If the Workshop proposal fits in within the Network Programme 1 (for example) framework and if the Workshop Coordinator is also thinking of presenting his Workshop Project to answer an EU 6FP Call for Proposal, then she/he may need customised administrative assistance for EU Project submission during the Congress.
