| Spain
COP 25 Failure: The Shocking Hypocrisy of Human Beings.
(15nth Decembre 2019)
| Global
Challenges = Global Solidarity = Global Trust = Global Hope
(12th Decembre 2019)
| The
New European Dictators: 2019 - ?...
(30th Novembre 2019)
| The
UN and EU: Cold Cases...
(24th Novembre 2019)
| European
Collapse or European Renaissance? European
Parliament's Historic Responsibility
(19nth Novembre
| The
Extraordinary Potential Constructive/Destructive Power of Intangibles
(12th Novembre 2019)
| Citizens!
Take To The Streets! Again! (10nth
Novembre 2019)
| The
Chicken and the Egg.
(6th Novembre 2019)
| European
Commission President-imposed Von der Leyen: Resign!
(15nth Octobre)
| The
UN System: "Bien mal acquis ne profite jamais"
as the French saying goes.
(10nth Octobre 2019)
shall not be allowed to take the floor anymore!"
threatens a Director at the Egmont Institution, Brussels.
(6th Octobre 2019)
NCBP vs The SDGs: Give Credit Where Credit Is Due!
(2nd Octobre 2019)
Climate Change and SDG Summit: How Dare You?
(24th Septembre 2019)
I Have Lost Trust in the UN System and the EU Institutions.
(17nth Septembre 2019)
European Commission reaches people based on their activity on Facebook!
(12th Septembre 2019)
Interface Education. Bachelor and Master in Interfaces. Registration open
(2nd Septembre 2019)
| Peace
in Europe: Why Only 80 years?
(1rst Septembre 2019)
| Greta
Thunberg Swallowed By The System
(28th August 2019)
| "Never
- "Plus jamais
ça!" (19nth August 2019)
| United
Nations: What For??
(18nth August 2019)
| Why
have the UN (et al) and the EU been blocking the New Capacity Building
Programme (NCBP)?
(13nth August 2019)
| Queen
Elisabeth II: "Our politicians can't govern!"
We agree. So let's proceed without them.
(11nth August 2019)
| An
Unhappy World.
(5th August 2019)
| The
Future of Our World: A Mindset Issue.
(2nd August 2019)
| Trust
Is Lost. (2nd
August 2019)
Interface Education. Master in Interfaces. Registration open.
(27nth July 2019)
| A
Warning for Business in Europe.
(24th July 2019)
| European
Objective: Controlling EU Citizens and Society.
(22nd July 2019)
| The
Future of Europe: Citizens Must Take Over!
(18nth July 2019)
European Parliament capitulates and validates Imposed European Commission
President Nominee Ursula von der Leyen. Citizens Manipulated
(17nth July 2019)
| Love
and Happiness...
(14nth July 2019)
| European
Institutions: last chance to start over to avoid collapse.
(11nth July 2019)
| Education
of Tomorrow: Interface Education. Master in Interfaces. Summer Courses.
Registration Open.
(9nth July 2019)
| MEPs.
You have a unique opportunity to recover the citizens'
lost trust and respect: reject the imposed nominee for the EC Presidency and
start over!
(9nth July 2019)
| The
Future of Europe... Call To Action!
(6th July 2019)
| European
Institution Autocracy: The Denigration of the Citizens!
(4th July 2019)
| Independent
Candidate for the European Commission Presidency suggests launching the New
Capacity Building Programme (NCBP)
(30th June 2019)
| European
Commission Presidency: EU Collapse or EU Transition?
(30th June 2019)
| The
Future Of Europe Begins By Recovering Lost Trust!
(29nth June 2019)
| Arrogance:
European Union's Nemesis (1)
(25th June 2019)
| European
Commission Presidential Elections: A Shocking Masquerade?
(16nth June 2019)
| The
Third Millennium's Top Priority is NOT Climate Change...
(10nth June 2019)
| European
Commission Presidential Elections 2019: Who?
(10nth June 2019)
| "Shall
any of the candidates for the EC Presidency be able to recover the EU
LOST trust...?"No
(2nd June 2019)
| Bonjour
Les Belges... (30th May
| Who
For The Presidency Of The European Commission...?
(28th May 2019)
| Artificial
Intelligence --- >??
May 2019)
| Climate
Change? Too late! Biodiversity? Too late! Environment? Too late! World
(20th May 2019)
| European
Commission Presidency 2019-2024: An Alternative
(19nth May 2019)
| Education
of Tomorrow: Interface Education. Master in Interfaces. Summer Courses.
Registration Open
(16nth May 2019)
| The
Future Of The World
(5th May 2019)
| Local
+ Regional + National + Continental + World Cooperation: A Mindset Issue.
(26th April 2019)
| EU
Consultations: What's next? An Incredible Manipulation.
(25th April 2019)
| Europe
Has No Future With The Existing Team.
(21rst April 2019)
| Notre-Dame
Cathedral Fire in Paris
(21rst April 2019)
| The
Future of Europe: A New Leader Is Needed!
(17nth April 2019)
| Education
of Tomorrow: Beyond Quantum Theory. Master in Interfaces. Registration Open.
(13nth April 2019)
| Regions
and Cities Making the SDGs Happen: A Distasteful Setup
(12th April 2019)
| The
Locked In System: How To Get Out?
(10nth April 2019)
| Open
Address from Independent Candidate for the EC Presidential Elections To The
British Citizens. (6th
April 2019)
| European
Initiative Day 2019
(3rd April 2019)
| We
Need Happy Localities. Not Smart Cities.
(1rst April 2019)
| UK:
Civil War? Independent Candidate for the EC Presidential Elections Addresses
the UK Citizens and Government.
(30th March 2019)
| EU
Institutions'/EU Citizens'Initiative:
A Flop
(29nth March 2019)
Brochure/Flyer (March
| Why
Are You So Scared? (8th
March 2019)
| The
World Deadlock (4th
March 2019)
| The
Brussels Autocracy and Institutional Propaganda
(24th February 2019)
| The
Worldwide Educational System: Perhaps The Greatest Swindle Of All Times (2)
(20th February 2019)
| The
Most Sustainable Characteristic Of Our Civilisation: Hypocrisy
(16nth February 2019)
| Defusing
the World Ticking Time Bomb... How?
(12th February 2019)
| European
Commission Presidential Elections 2019 - Campaign Censored.
(2nd February 2019)
| The
IMNRC Brochure Finally Out!
(1rst February 2019)
| The
Future of the World: Towards a World Renaissance?
(24th January 2019)
| The
Yellow Vests - Les Gillets Jaunes.
(21rst January 2019)
| The
Rule Of Law and the Microbiome
(20th January 2019)
| Migration:
A Shocking World Mess!
(15nth January 2019)
| "Horizon
Research Framework Programme
(14nth January 2019)
| The
EU Takes Care of Its Citizens...
(13nth January 2019)
| European
Values = ?
(12th January 2019)
| Press
Invitation: European Presidential Elections 2019
(8th January 2019)
| Why
European Peace has only lasted 70 years...
(6th January 2019)
| InfoDiagnosis:
the IMNRC's Medical Information and Training Website
(6th January 2019)
| The
Interface Consulting Cabinet
(5th January 2019)
| Education
of Tomorrow: Beyond Quantum Theory. Master in Interfaces - Spring
Registration Deadline: 25 March 2019
(4th January 2019)
| Danger:
Institutions Are Taking Over!
(4th January 2019)
| Master
in Interfaces - Registration Deadline: 21 Decembre 2018
(17nth Decembre 2018)
| A
New World Order? No. A New World Referential? Yes!
Octobre 2018)
| EU
Regions Week 2018: The EU's Swan Song?
Octobre 2018)
| My
strong criticisms of Institutions (EU, UN, ...) on Twitter censored on
(11nth August 2018)
| Don't
Give Your Ideas!
(31rst July 2018)
| Short
comments/suggestions now on Twitter
(30th July 2018)
| "Together
We Can Create A Healthier World..."
(25th July 2018)
| Petition
for a World Society Well Being and Quality of Life
(30th May 2018)
| New
Global Governance
(17nth April
| The
International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Centre (IMNRC
(17nth March
| 2018:
World Inertia, Distrust and Suspicion: No Solidarity.
(10nth March
| European
Commission Democracy at the Covent Garden in Brussels
(4th March
| Who
Controls Your Data? Citizens! Wake up!
January 2018)
| The
European Programme is Not Sustainable
January 2018)
| Interfaces
- Interfaces - Interfaces
January 2018)
| Europe
Shall Collapse...To Be Born Again
(6th January
| 2018
- 2019: Preparing The Transition to World Happiness or World War?
January 2018)
| Intimidation
et Méchanceté de la Police Flamande à Tervuren (Brabant Flamand, Belgique)
Decembre 2018)
| The
Future of the World: A Holistic Approach - Collaboration Proposal
Decembre 2017)
| Knowledge
Diplomacy. Linking Science, Education and Cultural Diplomacy... To What End?
Novembre 2017)
| President
Juncker: Your Absolute Rule Is Over!
(14nth Septembre
| And
the Nobel Prize for Interfaces is ...
(14nth July 2017)
| The
United Nations Organisation: What for?
(6th July 2017)
| Emmanuel
Macron and Angela Merkel pledge for a reconstruction of Europe more open to
the World. (24th
June 2017)
| The
First WORLD Start-Up! (19nth
June 2017)
| The
Sustainable Development Goals: Reinventing The Wheel!
(4th June 2017)
| Trump:
The Alien That Catalyses World Solidarity
(2nd June 2017)
| French
Presidential Elections: Europe Shall Collapse Anyway...
(6th May 2017)
| A
Human Being Is Not Born A Criminal. He/She Becomes A Criminal. Why? - N°2
(8th April 2017)
| New
Global Governance (Interface Governance): The NIM Network
(27nth March 2017)
| A
Warning To Citizens! (27nth
March 2017
Interdisciplinarity in 2017
(26th March 2017)
Juncker's White Paper on the Future of Europe: Not Credible
(5th March 2017)
on New European Governance at the IMNRC
(24th February 2017)
End Of The European Institutions As Structured. Time To Prepare The
Transition! (23rd
February 2017)
and Policymakers! Citizens Don't Believe In You Anymore!
(16nth February 2017)
For The Future... (12th
February 2017)
World In Panic (6th
February 2017)
Linguistic Hatred in Flanders (Belgium)
(28th January 2017)
Governance (28th
January 2017)
New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) Info Week: Where?
(27nth January
Mindset: The Interface That Determines Our Destiny
(17nth January 2017)
To Achieve Sustainable World Peace?
(3rd January 2017)
Solidarity versus Nationalist Fragmentation - Call To Action!
(12th November 2016)
Call To Action! World Summit on World Society Well Being and Quality of Life
(7nth November 2016)
Summit: An Unhealthy Mess!
(17nth September 2016)
Flemish Autarchy: A Cancer For Europe And Beyond.
(28th August 2016)
Union = Just A Nameplate On Buildings In Brussels
(24th August 2016)
| The
Worldwide Educational System: Perhaps The Greatest Swindle Of All Times (1)
(22nd August 2016)
You are Exasperating!
(19nth August 2016)
The Ivory Tower Cracks From All Sides For Lack Of Communication
(11nth August 2016)
Commission appoints four new EIT governing board members. How Ugly Can You
Get? (8th August 2016)
World Mess: Solution = ?
(7nth August 2016)
Terrible World Migration Crisis: A Vicious Circle (5th
August 2016)
ME --- > WE = MEs = Holistic Fragmentation
(3rd August 2016)
kills: ISIS, DAESH, Nationalism... (28th
July 2016)
the deuce is an interface? (28th
July 2016)
World Citizenship: A Binding Obligation For All
(25 July 2016)
Paris, Brussels, Nice, Turkey, Iraq, Munich, Kabul murders... YOU are also
responsible! (25th
July 2016)
Is Most Important For Us Human Beings Today?
(23rd July 2016)
in Nice. Where next? Call for Collective Citizen Participation!
(15nth July 2016)
Incredible World Mess That Is Dangerously Getting Out Of Hand!
(8th July 2016)
Us Your Ideas... (8th
July 2016)
Sustainable Development Goals. From Complexity to Simplicity... From Failure
to Success... (8th July 2016)
Plan B = New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP)
(24 June 2016)
Fragmentation: What To Do? (5
June 2016)
European Union's Disunion, Collapse and Renaissance. The Transition to New
Global Governance (30
May 2016)
2016 Energy Day Event. A Holistic Interdisciplinary Approach to Energy
Inviting Collective Citizen Participation: Registration
Open (6 May 2016)
New Capacity Building Programme: A Potential European Commission Flagship
Project (1 May 2016)
For Worldwide Collective Citizen Participation in New Global Governance
(16 April 2016)
Institutions! You Are Exasperating! (2 April 2016)
Earth In Danger! Citizens Of The World: Wake Up!!! (29 March 2016)
Appel à la Participation Citoyenne Collective! (28 March 2016)
are not born a criminal. You become a criminal. Why? (22 March 2016)
Education of Tomorrow: Master in Interfaces (25th February 2016)
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): a Shocking Case of
Plagiarism (20 February 2016)
World Ticking Time Bomb and the Future of Europe
(11 February 2016)
belge. Alertes ++++++++++ et suppression des festivités
(31 Décembre
A World Constitution Based on World Society Well Being and Quality of Life!
(22 December 2015)
World Climate Change Conference (COP21): A Catalyst for New Global
(30 November 2015)
Citizen Collaboration: How? First Step: National Brainstorming Events!
(25 November 2015)