



Professor Jaroslav Sestak shall present his Photo Exhibition "Nature Seen by Scientist" on Monday December 5th at 5:30 p.m. in the Hall of the Academy of Sciences, Národní str. 3, Praha 1. [Read more...]. 

On this occasion, Professor Sestak shall present his new book "
Science of Heat and Thermophysical Studies" just printed by Elsevier Editions, Amsterdam for the International Year of Physics 2005 and the 40th Anniversary of the International Confederation of Thermal Analysis. [Read more...]

The Russian National Coordinating Team is organizing a Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Medical and Biological Aspects of Complex Human Diseases” that will be held on January 25-27th, 2006 in Kursk, Russia.

The Conference is designed to update and integrate knowledge of complex human diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, cancer, and many others and generally attracts a stimulating and interesting multidisciplinary collection of papers in fields of genetics, aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of multifactorial pathologies making it an ideal forum to exchange ideas and form collaborations. There are no any limitations for participation.

The Russian National Coordinating Team has sent invitations for this event to institutions throughout the world: Russia, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia. 

The National Coordinating Team Leader Professor Alexey Polonikov has kindly invited the NewPOL Network's Principal Coordinator to take part in their event and shall

You may also contact Professor Alexey Polonikov directly.

International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery. If you would like to submit an abstract, please send it to Dr Leonardo Longo before the deadline: 30th June 2005. The abstracts that have been accepted shall be published in the peer journal Laser Medical Science, Springer Verlag London Publisher. Those complete papers that have been accepted shall in turn be published in Laser Florence 2005 SPIE Proceedings. The best Lectures and Posters shall receive financial awards and special prizes. Please contact Dr Leonardo Longo

Dr Meng Yong is seeking a Post-Doctoral Position. If you can be of any assistance, please contact him directly.

Monique Veyt shall be organising a residential Weekend Workshop on the ‘Art - of - Living - Science’ that will take place in Brussels on June 4th/5th 2005. Read more... 

Dr. Allan V. Kalueff is pleased to invite members of the NewPOL Consortium Network to St-Petersburg, Russia. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Allan V. Kalueff


Professor Tony Brooks made a most appealing presentation during an Internet video-conference on 14 December 2004 to announce the 2006 International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies that shall be held in Musethuset, Esbjerg, Denmark on 18-20 September 2006. More can be found at


Please note that all names are linked to either their Standard or NewPOL Profile posted on this website.