Need a Partner?


Looking for Someone...?

This page is reserved for NewPOL Network Members who wish to invite partners for conferences or who are presently looking for partners to create a group/consortium for a EU 7FP Proposal (or any other proposal of course).

The NewPOL Network would like to both encourage communication between human beings and their awareness of the existence of others on this small planet Earth. This web page is therefore used as a platform to expose the challenges we are faced with and to offer mutual assistance in any field. The Seeker (i.e. you and me) becomes fully integrated and an acting part within the customised interdisciplinary Solving team.

There are various possibilities:

You can check out the Academic - Business - NP & NGO - Artists - Children - Public Web Page links.  

You can check out the National Coordinators' Progress Reports. If your country is not yet represented by a National Coordinator, please contact us directly.

You can visit the EU 6FP Information Web Page

You can consult this web page regularly.

If you have any questions, please also contact us directly.



Call for Partners



Case: Progressive Muscular Dystrophy. 
Medical condition: becoming critical (2004-2005).....
Action taken:
Results: Organisations/Institutions throughout the world are presently being contacted to help us save these children. Our objective is to get together scientists, medical researchers and  participants from different backgrounds who also feel they can make a useful therapeutic contribution in order to create an active interdisciplinary research unit for this particular case. 

Please contact us immediately if you would like to help or join this network.

Case: Earthquakes, Tsunami, Hurricanes.... Forecasting, Monitoring and Human Disaster Prevention.
Location: Earthquake off coast of Sumatra triggers devastating tsunami. Indonesia - Thailand - Sri Lanka - India - ...
Action taken: CWIN 2

Please contact us if you would like to help or join this network.

Case: AIDS
Location: World...




